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The Nurtured Life

What is missing from your life?  What isn't working in your relationship?  What's keeping you in a job that you don't enjoy?  My coaching practice focuses on helping clients create a fulfilled and balanced life.  We will work together to identify core values and core beliefs, determine a life mission, and clarify a future vision.  We’ll identify obstacles that may be getting in the way of you achieving goals, and work to find ways to eliminate them.  I work with individuals and couples.  


In a coaching relationship the client drives the process and is accountable for completing specific actions to realize their goals.  The focus of our work together may be personal growth, relationships, career, health, or parenting.  I am a certified  EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping) practitioner and a clinical hypnotherapist, and often I incorporated these techniques in my coaching.  


Although this is not a traditional therapeutic relationship, everything that we discuss (whether in person, by phone or via email) will be held in the strictest confidence.  No personal information will ever be shared with another party, unless you give you permission, in writing.  

Life Coaching / Group Coaching

Life Coaching Groups

Group Coaching is an economical and effective way to experience the benefits of life coaching in a small group setting. This collaborative process allows individuals to benefit from the collective wisdom of the group while also providing the opportunity to learn from each other. With the guidance of a trained coach, group coaching can be a powerful way to create transformation.

The Journey Group - I


Are you looking for new direction or more balance in your life? Help with relationships or a new career path? The Journey Group uses a life-coaching model to help you build on what's "working" in your life and change what's not. We'll look at the obstacles that prevent you from moving forward and identify what you can do to remove them. This group will include stress-reduction techniques, journaling, meditation, and group discussion, and will incorporate EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and guided meditation.   The Journey Group will meet for five 2-hour sessions.  Cost:  $180.00 and includes all materials and handouts. Group size limited. 

The Journey Group I
Sundays, April 16 - May 21 (skipping May 14)
2:00 - 5:00 p.m


The Journey Group - II


For anyone who has previously completed a Journey Group - I.  Building on the things you've already learned, continue to go deeper into your belief systems and life purpose.  Using the same techniques of meditation, group discussion, partner accountability, EFT and hypnosis you can continue to uncover beliefs that no longer serve you, and work to eliminate obstacles to your happiness and authentic self.  The Journey Group - II will meet for five 2-hour sessions.  Cost: $200 and includes all materials and handouts.  Group size is limited.

Conscious Divorce

Nina Cullen & Eric Boulter​


Divorce can be messy, ugly and extremely hurtful to the ones you love the most - your children.  Learn ways to end your relationship while creating a safe, loving and respectful environment for your children and your ex-partner.  Practice letting go of blame while you put your children first and create homes that allow for easy transition from one parent to another.  This is not a mediation process, this is for couples who can bring their best selves forward for the sake of their families.  

One for You, One for Me! 

Nina Cullen & Eric Boulter


Couples coaching with a two coaches!  Nina works with women, Eric with men.  Together we help couples negotiate agreements that allow them to ask for what they want from their partner.  Life is better when everyone is getting what they need and feeling heard.  We help you create a happier, deeper and more meaningful relationship with your partner.  

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